Cold War Timeline

  • The Soviet Union Declares war on Japan

    The Soviet Union declaring war on Japan was a turning point in events for the U.S. as it would mean the Soviet would have a say in what happened to japan after the war.
  • Iron Cutain Speech

    Winston Churchill gave the Iron Curtain Speech on this day saying that there was a developing line across Europe between Communist and non Communist countries. He stated that Communism needed to be contained at this point.
  • Truman Demands Soviet Union to leave Iran

    The U.S, Britain, and the Soviet Union agreed to remove troops from Iran on this date but the Soviet Union didnt follow this date and kept troops in Iran for many days after.
  • Truman Doctrine

    the Truman Doctrine was developed to provide aid to any country in the threat of Communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    The Marshall plan provided over 12 billion dollars of financial aid to all countries in west europe and east Asia who could possibly fall to Communism.
  • NATO is ratified

    NATO is a group of countries who agreed to moniter and aid countries in war.
  • Soviets Successfully test atomic Bomb

    The Soviet Union successfully tested an atomic bomb on this day. This meant they could compete with the U.S. with nuclear weapons.
  • Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China

    Mao Zedong took control of China making China a Communist country. This was a major loss for the U.S. as a trading nation in Asia.
  • Korean War begins

    The Korean War began due to North Korea wanting to reunite North and South Korea turning South Korea into a Communist country.
  • Federal Civil Defense Administration established

    The Federal Civil Defense Administration was established after the Soviet Union successfully tested there first atomic bomb.
  • Truman Fires McArthur

    Truman and McArthur were in a disagreement about invading China and ending Communism there also. Truman fired McArthur after McArthur had made public remarks about Truman.
  • End of Korean War

    The Korean War ended on this day and the countries involved signed a cease fire. This was not a treaty but it did stopp the fighting.