Period: to
cotton kingdom
Cripus Attucks,an escaped slave.is first person die in the American Revolution
Jean Baptiste point dusable decided to build a trading post near the Lake Michigan,thus becoming the first permanent resident of the settlement that became Chicago
Phillis Wheatly publishes first book of poetry
Vermont is the first state to abolish slavery
The Continental Congress forbade slavery in the region northwest of the Ohio River by the Northwest Ordinance.
Slaves revolt in Haiti against the French rulers and slave owners.
Benjamin Benneker publishes the first almanac by an African-American.
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
Congress passes the first Fugitive Slave Act
The African-American Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is founded in New York.
Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa
The Missouri Compromise bans slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri
The first African-American theater company in the United States,the African Company,is founded in New York
In New York,John Brown russwurm and Samuel cornish publish the first African American newspaper in the U.S. Freedom's Journal.
Slave Rebellion of Nat Turner
Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrisons starts to publish the Liberator,a fiercly anti-slavery newspaper, in Boston
1831-1861 --Height of activity for the underground railroad.
Henry Blair is the first African-American to receiev a patent.
Fredrick Douglas publishes his autobiography,narative of the life of Fredrick Douglass,An American slave.
Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery and becomes one of thr most effecetive and celebreated leaders of the underground railroads.
Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel,uncle Tom's Cabin is Published
Booker Taliaferro Washington is born
Dread Scott case declares that African Americans are not citizens of the U.S., and that congress has no power to restrict slavery in any federal terriotory.
Dread Scott case declares that African Americans are not citizens of the U.S., and that congress has no power to restrict slavery in any federal terriotory. -
Harriet Wilson publishes Our Nig; or sketches from the life of a free Black,the first novel by an African American woman.
John Brown and 21 followers capture the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry,Virginia
Abraham Lincoln is elected president