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The History of Environmentalism, 1800 - 1899 AD

  • Johnny Appleseed dies

    Legendary Appleseed dies after spending his life planting trees through Indian and Ohio.
  • "Mother of the Forest" cut down

    A giant sequoia tree, the "Mother of the Forest," is cut down for carnival display. The 2,500 year old tree was 300 feet high.
  • Chicago sewers

    Chicago plans nation's first comprehensive sewer system.
  • French professor builds solar machines

    French professor Augustine Mouchot begins building solar energy machines.
  • Department of Agriculture established

    The U.S. government establishes the Department of Agriculture.
  • Killer fogs attack London

    The first of a series of 'killer fogs' hits London, caused by the city's overwhelming smog. Over 1,150 die.
  • Chicago regulates smoke discharges

    Chicago is the first city to regulate smoke discharges.