12 Dates-FNMI

  • Samuel de champlain

    Samuel de champlain
    Samuel de champlain founds the city of Quebec and establishes New france in north america
  • Britian passes the quebec act

    Britian passes the quebec act
    Britian passes the Quebec act, recognizing the rights of francophones to their language and identity
  • Canada bilingual nation

    Canada bilingual nation
    Confederation establishes Canada as a bilingual, bicultural nation under the British North America act.
  • Indian act/ Treaty 6

    Indian act/ Treaty 6
    The Canadian government made rules to the lives of First Nations and they viewed First Nations as people who need guidance.
  • Treaties 6,7,8

    Treaties 6,7,8
    Alberta First Nations organized the Indian Association of Alberta
    Their idea was to maintain the treaty rights and to improve the social and economic welfare of Indian People.
  • John Tootoosis

    John Tootoosis
    John helped found the union of Saskatchewan Indians.
  • Jean Chretien

    Jean Chretien
    Jean Chretien was minister of Indian affairs and released a statement that released a intense protest form First Nations
  • Official language act

    Official language act
    The official Languages act reasserts the equality of french and english as an official language.
  • The constitution

    The constitution
    The Canadian government recognized the Indians, Metis and Inuit all in the same treaty
  • The charter of rights and freedom

    The charter of rights and freedom
    The charter of rights and freedom confirms official bilingualism and establishes official language minority education rights
  • Last Residential School

    Last Residential School
    The last residential school in Canada closed in 1996.
  • Treaties 6,7,8

    Treaties 6,7,8
    They wanted to renegotiate the treaties they wanted the government to recognize the true spirit and intent of the treaties