Supply Assistant - UNICEF Cotonou, Benin
Additional responsibilities included the Greeting Cards Operation (GCO). The biggest value of sales realized by the previous responsible was the equivalent of US$ 2,200. Within four (4) years the volume of sales increased from an equivalent of US$ 11,600 to US$ 96,000. -
Supply and Logistics Officer - UNICEF Cotonou, Benin.
Responsible for the management of the overall supply and logistics activities of UNICEF in Benin -
Assistance mission - UNICEF Lome, Togo
Assistance mission - UNICEF Brazzaville
Emergency Rapid Response Team, Responsibilities were not limited to supply and logistics but included Finance, Administration, Personnel and Operations. -
Procurement Officer - Sierra Leone
Secondment - United Nations Assistance Mission, Sierra Leone. Responsible for contracts management. After two months, I have left the mission to assist UNICEF Antananarivo during the emergency created by Cyclones. It gave me the opportunity to embrace international career in Madagascar. -
Mission - UNICEF Antananarivo, Madagascar
Assisted UNICEF Antananarivo to respond to the emergency created by cyclones and cholera outbreak with provision of guidance and technical assistance to the office, including the Tamatave sub-office on all supply related issues. -
Supply and Logistics Officer - UNICEF Antananarivo, Madagascar
My first international appointment. Responsible for a unit of six (6) supervisees including two (2) staff members in the sub office in Tamatave and management of the overall supply and logisctics activities in Madagascar.
Provide technical support to zonal office (on the Comoros islands), training and orientation in procedures to staff (with emphasis on best practices from Office of Internal Audit (OIA), organize training for counterparts of the sector. -
Supply and Logistics Officer, UNICEF Luanda, Angola
Managed the overall Supply and Logistics with a unit of nine (9) staff members. Angola is a post conflict country with more land mines than its population making accessibility to children and women very difficult in addition to the difficult road conditions. The country is one of the second most expensive in the world with very complex supply and logistics environment. The supply and logistics challenges are enormous in addition to the working language: Portuguese. -
Supply and Logistics Officer, UNICEF Juba, Southern Sudan
A post conflict environment in addition to the problems affecting children and women like malnutrition, low education rate, poor sanitation, lack of water, HIV infection, violence, abuse, exploitation, abduction of children and women, linked to tribal clashes and the presence of the Lord’s Resistance Army, environment. -
Supply and Logistics Manager, UNICEF Juba, Southern Sudan
Supply plan developed in collaboration with program as a result of a visit of Supply Managers from Kampala and Nairobi who were invited in Juba in order to agree on procurement strategies and services needed from each office. With the actual needs of the program and funds limitation focus was put on collaboration with Stand by partners for assistance when needed.