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Life Lab History

By lifelab
  • Life Lab Blossoms

    Life Lab Blossoms
    It all started from a vacant lot at Green Acres Elementary School in Santa Cruz, CA.
  • Life Lab Becomes a Non-Profit

  • The Growing Classroom Books Self-Published

  • Life Lab Goes Statewide Across California

  • The Growing Classroom Goes National

  • Life Lab Promotional Video Is Created

  • NSF Funds LLS K-3 Curriculum

  • Life Lab Moves to UCSC Farm

  • LLS 4th-5th Curriculum is Published

  • LASERS Program Begins

  • Waste Free Schools Program Begins

  • A Garden in Every School - Getting Started is Published

  • Construction Begins on The Garden Classroom

  • Monterey Bay Science Project

  • Garden Classroom Selected as CDE Resource Center

  • The Garden Classroom New Edition

  • "Food, What?!" Youth Program is Born

  • Life Lab Turns 30 Years Old