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Evolution of earth and organisms

By chin
  • 4.4-4.5 billions of years ago

    4.4-4.5 billions of years ago
    earth's hot harsh environment cool and endless rain for millions of years.
  • 3.5billion years ago

    3.5billion years ago
    environment is less hearsh. simple organisms. ocean is forming slowly. atmosphere is being introduced with more and more oxygen.
  • cambrian

    diverse trilobites. earliest reefs and fish.
  • devonian

    early amphibians ammonoids, and sharks. exctinction of armored fish
  • triassic

    pangea begins to break up. mass excintion of marine animals including trilobites. earliest known mammals, dinosuars and coral groups.
  • mesozoic

    dinosuars become exctinct(late mesozoic). earliest flowering plants(early).
  • jurassic

    abundance of dinosuars. earleist known birds.
  • cenozoic

    abundance of mammals. humans evolve(late)
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    increased technology and factories used to maked humans lives easier and lazier
  • technology. is it a blassing or a curse

    technology. is it a blassing or a curse
    obesity is at it's highest and some technology is bad for the environment