Confederation of Canada

  • Quebec

    Coat/arms granted 1868.
    flag adopted in 1948.
    Orgin of name from an Algongun word for narrow passage or strait.
  • New Brunswick

    New Brunswick
    coat of arms granted 1868.
    origin of name named in 1784 to honour the ruling.
    flag adopted 1965
  • Ontario

    Flag adopted in 1965.
    Origin of name from Irogouis word kanadario meaning shining or sparkiling waters.
    Coat of arms granted 1868.
  • Ontario

    date coat/arms granted 1868. origin of the name: from Iroquios word kanadorio meaning shining or sparkiling waters-about 20% of Ontario is fresh water lakes and rivers. date adopted their flag 1965
  • Nova Scotia

    Nova Scotia
    Flag was granted 1625.
    Origin of name named by Sir.Wm Alexander who was given title to all the land between Newengland and Newfoundland by king James VI of Scotialand- Nova Scotia is latin for Scotland.
    Coat of arms granted 1625
  • Manitoba

    flag adopted 1966.
    orgin of name likely comes from the cree word' man-into-wah-paow with means' the narrows of the great spirit.
    coat of arms granted 1905
  • Northwest Territories

    Northwest Territories
    Flag adopted 1969.
    Origin of name most of the area was known as the North-wast Territories until 1870-the name is primarly discriptive of the location of the Territories.
    Coat of arms granted 1956.
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia
    Flag adopted 1960.
    Origin of name southern part was known as Columbia after Columbia B; central part was new Calardonia named by explorer Simon fraser; to avoid confussion with country in S.america.
    Coat of arms was granted shield 1906 arms 1987
  • Prince Edward Island

    Prince Edward Island
    Flag adopted 1964.
    Origin of the name named in 1799 in honor of Prince Edward,duke of kent,the 4th son on king george III.
    Coat of arms granted in 1905 arms-2002
  • Yukon

    Flag adopted in 1967.
    Origin of name probably comes from the word Yu-kun-ak' meaning great river.
    Coat of arms granted 1956
  • Saskatchewan

    Flag adopted 1969.
    Origin of name from the cree word Kisiskatchewanisipi swift flowing river.
    Coat of arms granted 1906 shield arms 1986.
  • Alberta

    Flag adopted 1968.
    Origin of name named for Queen Victoria fourth daughter princess louise caroline alberta the wife of the marqeness of lorne, who was governor general of canada in 1882 when alberta was created as a district of the northwest territories.
    Coat of arms granted in 1907 shield arms 1950.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador

    Newfoundland and Labrador
    Flag adopted iin 1980.
    Origin of the name king henry the VII referred to the land discovered by John Cabot in 1497 as the New found land.
    Coat of arms granted 1637.
  • Nunavut

    Flag adopted April 1,1999.
    Origin of name means our land in the inuit language.
    Coat of arms granted in April 1,1999.