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Thurgood Marshall

  • Born in Baltimore, MD

    Thurgood Marshall Biography He was the grandson of a slave, Throughgood Marshall, whom he was named after. According to an HBO special, Thourghgood changed his name to Thurgood when he was in elementary shcool because he tired of writing so many letters.
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
    Frederick Douglass High School in Baltimore
  • Married Vivian "Buster" Burey

  • Graduates from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania

  • Denied admission to University of Maryland Law School

    Denied admission to University of Maryland Law School
    He was denied admission because he was Black. He never forgot or forgave this and later "got even" in a lawsuit against the school, forcing it to legally integrate in 1935.
  • Receives Law degree from Howard University

  • Murray v. Pearson et al.

    Maryland at a Glance: Chronology Donald Gaines Murray registred for school after Thurgood Marshall won the case against the University of Maryland Law School. This is the same school which denied Marshall admittance 5 years before.
  • Chambers v. Florida

    Chambers v. FloridaHis first U.S. Supreme Court Victory
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    Chief Counsel for the NAACP

  • Smith v. Allwright

    U.S. Supreme Court Smith v. Allwright
    Important case overturning a Texas Democratic party's all-white voting "club".
  • Shelley v. Kraemer

    Shelley v. Kraemer court case in which racial covenants on real estate was overturned.
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    Sweat v. Painter court case in which a the University of Texas, Law school was forced to admit African Americans when the original case was overturned because their attempted at "separate but equal" was not.
  • McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents

    McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
    This case overturned an OK state case on the gounds of the Fourteenth Admendment.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Marshall's most important case, and the case that effectively ended segregation in public schools.
  • Vivian "Buster" Marshall loses her battle with lung cancer.

  • Cecilia Suyat

    Cecilia Suyat
    Thurgood's second wife, Cecilia, married him on this day, and they later had two sons, Thurgood Marshall, Jr and John W. Marshall.
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    United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

    President J.F. Kennedy appointed Marshall to this position.
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    32nd United States Solicitor General

  • First African American Supreme Court Justice

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    Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court

  • Equality Speech given at Howard Law School

    Equality Speech given at Howard Law School
    Equality Speech at Howard Law School
    "The following is a speech Marshall gave at the instillation of Wiley Branton to be dean of Howard Law School. Marshall and Branton had been friends for years, since the two had worked side-by-side on the integration of Central High in Little Rock during the late 1950s." Photo taken from http://www.thurgoodmarshall.com/gallery/gallery.htm
  • Passed away