Geologic Time

  • Precambrian Time

    Precambrian Time
    The Precambrian Time period is basically the time period from 542-3600 B.C
  • Climate

  • Geologic Activity

    The second half of Precambrian time is marked by a slow evolution of the Earth toward its modern appearance. But this period had its own precarious and bizarre events, just as did the Archean and Hadean eons before it.
  • Anmials/New Life Forms

    The first proper animals arose. New, more complex organisms that could live in the oxidizing environment arose. These later gave rise to the animals and plants, and the ancient anaerobes retreated. Whether from evolutionary progress or from changes in geochemistry, animals gained the ability to build hard body parts of carbonate minerals.
  • Palezoic Era

    Palezoic Era
    This time period is between 253.8-513
  • Plants and Anmials/New Life Forms

    It was during the Archean Eon (3800-2700 Mya) that the first organic lifeforms developed out of a mixture of inorganic compounds. The oldest known prokaryotic fossils date back to the Archean Eon. The Proterozoic Eon (2700-590 Mya) gave rise to the first eukaryotic fossils (algae).
  • Mesozoic Era

    Mesozoic Era
    The time period is between 70-249
  • Mass Extinctions

    some 440 million years ago. Nearly half of the brachiopods and bryozoans perished. The trilobites were devastated. In all about 100 families of marine invertebrates went extinct. (There was no life on land at this time.)
  • Geologic Activity

    Connecticut had an active youth with lots of landmasses colliding and breaking apart, mountain ranges rising and being eroded, their sediments washing into nearby marine basins. It has been part of several different ancient landmasses: Rodinia, Pangea, Laurasia, Avalonia. The continent ripped open there during the Late Proterozoic era 700 million years ago, giving birth to an ocean named Iapetus. Then Iapetus's edges came together again squeezing the sea out of existence.
  • Cenozoic Era

    Cenozoic Era
    the period of time when the Cenozoic time era cam about was between 0.0115-61.7 (i have no idea if thats right or if thats even a time period)
  • Life Forms

    The Paleozoic Era (590-248 Mya) is an exciting time in the history of life that begins with aquatic life and ends with a diverse collection of organisms including insects, amphibians, plants, fishes, and reptiles. Scientists divide the Paleozoic Era era into six periods: