
History of Math

  • 250

    earliest forms of ALGEBRA are written

    earliest forms of ALGEBRA are written
  • Period: 250 to

    History of Math

  • 500

    Trigonometric functions are introduced

    Trigonometric functions are introduced
  • 500

    Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse calculations

    Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse calculations
  • Jan 1, 700

    Quadratic equations

    Quadratic equations
  • Jan 1, 700

    Volume of a sphere

    Volume of a sphere
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Law of Sines

    Law of Sines
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Pascal's Triangle

    Pascal's Triangle
  • Jan 1, 1100

    foundations of analytical geometry and non-Euclidean geometry are formed

  • Jan 1, 1100

    proof for the Pythagorean Theorem

    proof for the Pythagorean Theorem
  • Jan 1, 1300

    important concepts of CALCULUS are discovered

    important concepts of CALCULUS are discovered
  • Jan 1, 1400

    decimal fractions

    decimal fractions
  • Jan 1, 1489

    Use of positive (+) and negative (-)

    Use of positive (+) and negative (-)
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Use of decimal points

    Use of decimal points
  • Jan 1, 1501

    foundation laid for DERIVATIVES

    foundation laid for DERIVATIVES
  • LOAGARITHMS discussed

    LOAGARITHMS discussed
  • Fermat's method of maxima and minima

    Fermat's method of maxima and minima
  • first use of the IMAGINARY NUMBER by René Descartes

    first use of the IMAGINARY NUMBER by René Descartes
  • theory of PROBABILITY

    theory of PROBABILITY
  • Isaac Newton works on fundamental theorem of calculus

    Isaac Newton works on fundamental theorem of calculus
  • Differential equations

  • Limits

  • L'Hospital's Rule

    L'Hospital's Rule
  • The use of π by William Jones for the first time

    The use of π by William Jones for the first time
  • Thomas Bayes proves Bayes' Theorem

    Thomas Bayes proves Bayes' Theorem
  • fundamental theorem of algebra

    fundamental theorem of algebra
  • Intermediate value theorem

    Intermediate value theorem
  • Prime number theorem

    Prime number theorem
  • Game theory

    Game theory
  • π (Pi) is computed to 100,000 decimal places using an inverse-tangent identity and an IBπ is computed to 100,000 decimal places using an IBM-7090 computer

    π (Pi) is computed to 100,000 decimal places using an inverse-tangent identity and an IBπ is computed to 100,000 decimal places using an IBM-7090 computer
  • exponential of a matrix

    exponential of a matrix
  • a NEC SX-2 supercomputer is used to calculate π to 124 million decimal places

    a NEC SX-2 supercomputer is used to calculate π to 124 million decimal places
  • a Hitachi 64-node supercomputer is used to compute π to 1241.1 billion digits

    a Hitachi 64-node supercomputer is used to compute π to 1241.1 billion digits
  • Al-Khwarizmi, Persian father of algebra, introduces systematic techniques for solving linear and quadratice equations

    Al-Khwarizmi, Persian father of algebra, introduces systematic techniques for solving linear and quadratice equations
  • Defne the monomial: x, x^2, x^3,...

    Defne the monomial: x, x^2, x^3,...
  • Tangent, secant, and inverse functions

    Tangent, secant, and inverse functions