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The Great War

By miclab
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke of Austria-Hungary was in a parade in Sarajevo when they went off the parade route and tired to get back on. On the road, a member of Young Bosnia and the Black Hand named Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Franz and his wife. This would cause Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, which caused an Allie of Serbia called Russia to declare war. Eventually everyone on the Allies and Central Powers side declared war on each other. This would begin the start of World War I
  • Invasion of Belgium

    Invasion of Belgium
    On August 3rd 1914, after France declares war on Germany, Germany declares war on France. They invade neutral Belgium in order to get to France quickly. At Belgium they killed many civilians and burned down homes to keep away from the belgium fighters. This Broke the Treaty of London that kept Belgium safe and caused Britian to enter in the war a day later in Augusrt 4th 1914
  • Germany Submarines

    Germany Submarines
    On Feburary 4th, Germany declared they would blow up any ships going to Great Britian. This was in effect by Feburary 18th, and blew up ships around the area of Ireland and Britian, including the English Channel. Passengers and Crews would not be warned before being attacked upon. One ship that was attacked was the Lusitania, in which serval English and Americans were killed, causing the US to enter World War I
  • Gallipoli

    The Allies went on a 9-month battle for the Turkish peninsula. There were many deaths on both the Allis and Central Powers side, mostly for Britain, French and Ottoman. The goal of the mission was to conquer the city of Constanoble, which would clear and waterway to Russia. On December 28th, the Allies withdrew their soildes from battle.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of The Great War, from Feburary 21st to December 18th. It was fought on the Western front of the War with the French and German Amries. Not one side really won the batlle, but over 1 million lives were lost. German failed to conquer the city and retreated back. French kept the city, but lost more than half a million.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme took place from July 1st to November 18th. The Battle had over 1.5 million deaths and consisted of the French and British trying to get back French Teritory againist Germany on both banks with the same name. It was one of the most bloodest battles ever recorded and was the first to introduce tanks.
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Earlier back in 1915, Lusitania was sunken by a German U-Boat, causing Americans to be angery at Germany. On Feburary 1st, Germany started using german submarines to sink American boats transporting goods to Britian. Then America got a hold of the Zimmerman Telegram, asking Mexico to join the Central Powers and attack the United States. After all the conflict between Germany, the USA declared war on Germany on April 6th 1917.
  • British tanks attack / win at Cambrai

    British tanks attack / win at Cambrai
    In 1917, The British planned to attack a German supply center in the city of Cambrai. They used tanks for the first large scale use in a battle. Although the tanks were ineffective after the first couple days, they proved effective. The British army broke through the Hindenburg Line which would later be vital in the Hundred Days Offensive.
  • Hundred Days Offensive

    Hundred Days Offensive
    The battles lasted from August 8th to November 11th, the end of The Great War. It started with the Battle of Amiens on the Western Front and the allies kept on pushing forward. Germany got pushed back behind the Hindenburg Line which eventually lead to an armistice and the end of World War I
  • End of the Great War

    End of the Great War
    The Great War ended on November 11, 1919 on the 11th hour. The Armistice between France and Germany happened in a railway carriage in Compiegne Forest. Ferdinand Foch of the Allies and Matthias Erzberger of Germany signed a deal that would end the Western Front and eventually the whole war. Before the armistice was signed, Germany's government was falling apart and soilders could barly hold the line any longer.