May 22, 1543
Nicolaus Copermicus
He publishes On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres- talks about his heliocentric(sun-centered) conception of the universe. The sun was the center of the universe instead of the Earth. The planets revovled around the sun. Moon around the Earth. The movement of the sun around Earth was caused by the rotation of Earth on its axiz and its journey around the sun. -
Galileo Galilei
Starry Messenger- talked about his new view of the universe. This was the observations of the heavens with a telescope. Found mountains on the moon, four moons revolving around Jupiter, and sunspots. Made Europeans more than aware of the new view. -
Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes writes Discourse on Method- Importance of his own mind. First principle- "I think, therfore I am." Second principle- " the mind cannot be doubted but the body and material world can, the two must be radically different." This than came the principle of the seperation of mind and matter (mind&body). matter was detached from the mind, could be investigated independently by reason. -
John Locke
Essay Concerning Human Understanding- everyone was born with a tabula rasa, or blank mind. People were modeled by the experience that came through their senses from the surrounding world. -
Isaac Newton
Principia- defined the three laws of motion that govern the planetary bodies, and objects on Earth. Lead to the universal law of gravitation. Explained why planetary bodies continue their elliptical orbits about the sun. -
First daily newspaper
London- Relatively cheap and were even provided free in many coffeehouses. -
Take over British crown. This was becuase Queen Anne died without an heir , so the closest relatives was offered the crown. -
Reign of Federick William I
Doesnt say when he took reign but that is when he ended^.
Highly efficent bureaucracy of civil service workers. Doubled the size of the army. Had the fourth largest army. -
Maria Theresa
Centeralize and strengthen the state. Worked to improve teh conditions of the serfs. Not open to the philospophes calls for reform. -
War if the Austrian Succession
ends 1748. Fought in Europe(Prussia seized Silesia), Asia(Took Madras in India from British), and North America(British capture the Frech fortressof Louisbourg at enterance to St. Lawerence Rvr.). -
Frederick the Great (II)
Somewhere around that time was when he took reign. ended 1786?.. Best educated and most cultured monarch of the time. Well versed in Enlightenment ideas. Enlarged the Prussian army. Abolished use of torture except in murder and treason cases. Granted limited freedon of speech and press, and religous toleration. Rigid social structure. -
The Spirit of the Laws-Study of governments. Used scientific method to try and find natural laws that govern the social and political relationships of human beings. 3 basic gov't - Republics (sm. states), despotism(lg. states), monarchies(mod. states). England had 3 branches: exceutive, legislative, and judical. Worked his priciples into the United States Constituion. -
Beg. and End of Sevens Yr. War
1771? ..King Federick took advantage of confusion, Maria Theresa allied with Great Brittain. After all that signed a treaty called Aiz-la-Chapelle that guaranteed the return of all occupied teritories except Silesiia to original owners. -
Encyclopedia- 28 volume collection of knowledge. "change the general way of thinking" -
Rousseau (Book 1)
Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind- people adopted laws and government to preserve their private property. Enslaved by governement. -
Rousseau(Book 2)
The Social Contract- entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. Individuals who want to follow their own self interest will be forced to follow whats best for the general will. Liberty is achieved by being forced to follow what is best. This is becuase it will do what is best for the entire community. -
Catherine the Great
- Ruled Russia. Considered the idea of a new law code that had eqquality in all people in the eyes of law, but did nothing because she knew that her success depended on the support of the Russian nobility. Policy of favoring the landed nobility cause horrible conditions for peasant and soon rebelled.
Treatise on Toleration- reminded the government that all men are brothers under God. Universe was a clock. God, who was known as the clockmaker, made the universe, set it in motion, allowed to run without interference and its own natural laws. -
Cesare Beccaria
On Crimes and Punnishments- punnishments should not be excersies in brutality. Opposed capital punnishment, didnt stop others from commiting crimes. -
Stamp Act imposed on Colonies
Required certain printed material, like newspapers, to carry a stamp showing that a tax has been paid to Britian. Wdespread and often violent. Repealed in 1766. -
Diderot 2
Encyclopedia- the second half of the 28 volumes. The spread Enlightenments ideas. Led to social sciences- economics and politcal sciences. -
First Continental Congress
Meet in Philadelphia. Members urged colonist to take up arms and organize militias. -
Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations- state should not interfere in economic matters. Three basic roles: should protect the society from invasion(army), governemnt should defend citizens from injustice(police), certain public works that private individuals alone could not afford. -
Treaty of Paris signed
recognized the independence of the American colonies. Granted American control of the western territory from the Apps to the MIssissippi River. -
Mary Wollstonecraft
A Vindication of the Rights of Women- Viewed two problems of many Enlightenment thinkers. Same people argue that women must obey men also said that the gov't based on arbitrary power of monarchs over subjects was wrong. Also Enlightenment was based on an ideal of reason in all human beings. Women shouold have same rights as men it was wrong that we didnt. Equal in education and economic and political.