Period: Feb 22, 1450 to
chapter 17
May 22, 1543
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Starry Messenger
new view of the universe -
Discourse on Method
emphasized the importance of his own mind he would only accept those things taht his reason said were true -
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
argued that every person was bron with a tabula rasa, or blank mind -
defines the three laws of motion -
first news paper in london
cheap and alos free in many coffe shops -
British crown
Hannover takes over british crown becasue queen anne dies. They had haard time getting us to the language because they are not from there so it was a challenge -
Frederick Willian I
He was very focused on the army fourth largest in the world at the time.many wealth landowners where officers in the army -
Frederick the great (II)
best educated and most cultured monarchs of his time. enlarged army, and kept strict watc over bureaucracy -
Austrain throne?
Maria theresa took over in 1740.she didnt like philosophers and called for a reform, she worked to improve the condition of the serfs -
war of austrian succession
lasted until 1748. Frederick the great took advantage of the new girl queen and took over -
The Spirit of the Laws
study of governments -
1751-1772 they here written. changed the general way of thinking. -
seven years war
the french and india war. war last battle was 1760 french wanted to control verything and thoguht they where the best -
Discourseon the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind
Rousseau argued that people had adopted laws and govermnets in order to preserve thier private property -
The social contract
Rousseau says entire society agrees to be governed bu its generl will -
Treatise on tolertion
Voltaire in 1763 reminded governments tht all men are brothers under god -
Vindication of the rights of Woman
Mary says that some people say women must obey men but then men had to odey a king. she says they have equal rights -
On Crimes and Punishment
Cesare Beccaria said punishments should not be exercised in brutality. He did not believe in captial punishmnet -
Stamp act
tax on certain printed materials -
first continental congres meets in Philadelphia
take up arms and organize militis -
The Welth of Nations
Adam Smith believed that states should not interfere in economic mtters -
treay of paris signed
recognized the independnce of th american colonies