
Chuck Noris

  • Chuck norris as the Mesiah betrays God and takes his throne as a god

    WWII is used t cover up all the war going up in the heavens
  • Period: to

    life span :D

    chuck norisses life
  • Chuck norris kils Kenedy by punching him faster than the human eye can takel

    Just as the title sais
  • chuck noris clones himself and puts me in my mom

    chuck noris clones himself and puts me in my mom
    I was born a hour later after kiling the real baby
  • Chuck norris spares the world and is given lots of awards including

    Chuck norris spares the world and is given lots of awards including
    chuck noris is ggiven every award possible
  • chuck norris rightfully becomes a texas ranger

    chuck norris rightfully becomes a texas ranger
  • Chuck noris warns earth with signals pointing towards tyhe apocalypse he will make on decmber 21st 2012

    Chuck noris warns earth  with signals pointing towards tyhe apocalypse he will make on decmber 21st 2012
  • chuck norris breacks the news

    chuck norris breacks the news
    i am his clone >.>