1930 spjc

Brief History of SPJC

By paula27
  • SPJC Founded

    SPJC Founded
    St. Petersburg Junior College (SPJC) founded as Florida’s first two-year college with an enrollment
    of 87 students and a faculty of 14. Captain George M. Lynch, founder, was named as the school’s first
  • SPJC's Second President Named

    Robert B. Reed named president.
  • First Permanent Building

    Classes are held in SPJC’s first permanent building at the corner of Fifth Avenue North and 66th
    Street in St. Petersburg. This original building is still in use today and is known as the James E. Hendry
    Administration Building.
  • SPJC Becomes Public

    SPJC becomes public - the second junior college in the state to make the change.
  • Board of Trustees

    Board of Trustees created.
  • SPJC Drops the "J"

    SPJC Drops the "J"
    St. Petersburg College becomes Florida’s first community college to offer four-year degrees.
    “Junior” is dropped from the school’s name, but not its commitment to its two-year mission, which
    remains as strong as ever.
  • President Kuttler retires

    President Carl M. Kuttler, Jr. retires after serving the college for 31 years.
  • Record incrases in student enrollment

    SPC has never served more students than it is currently. Enrollment for the Fall 2010 term
    increased to more than 32,000 credit-seeking students, an 11.2% increase over the same period
    last fall. The increase in enrollment marks the second year in a row that SPC has recorded
    enrollment increases of more than 10 percent. Last year’s fall enrollment was 13.1% higher
    than in 2008.