Egypt revolution 2011 02 12

Egyptian Revolution

  • President Refuses to Step Down

    President Refuses to Step Down
    On February 1st the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak said he would not run for another term but will refuse to step down immediatley. Halfway through his speech protesters gathered in Cairo and refused to leave because they don't want a corrupt president.
  • Internet Returns in Egypt

    Internet Returns in Egypt
    Since January the people of Egypt weren't able tol ascess internet. This was to calm the protests and stop people outide of Egypt getting involved.
  • Violence Escalates

    Violence Escalates
    Violence towards foreign journalists escalates. Also, Egyptian army tanks cleared away pro government protesters. Havoic errupts, protestors are non willimg in their fight for freedom to give in to Mubarak and his reign.
  • Day of Departure

    Day of Departure
    Protesters made a plan to gather together and demand for President Mubarak to step down. The crowd was well over 100,000 peopole more than Tuesday February 1st. The Obama administration were getting involved with Egyptian officials about the possibility of President Mubarak stepping down and the forming of a interim government before the year's election.
  • Ruling Party Leadership Resigns/

    Top leadership body of Egypt's ruling party resigns, including the President's son and the party secretary general. The council was the highest desicion making body , which means that the members were the most powerdful. A lot of protesters didn't like the idea when it was announced and gethered in Cairo's Tahrir square.
  • Government Agrees on Concessions

    Government Agrees on Concessions
    Egypt's vice president offered new concessions, including freedom of the press, at a meeting. The public was not happy with the offer because they still were not giving up on their fight to get the president to step down. The vice president offered to set up a committee where the members would review over possible candidates to become the next president. They are given until the 1st week of march to finish the task,.
  • Google Excutive Gets Released

    Google Excutive Gets Released
    Google confirms that their executive Wael Ghonim was freed by Egyptians authorities. He had been missing since January 27th and has been taking a part of the protests in Cairo,
  • Egypt Labor Strike Breaks Out

    Egypt Labor Strike Breaks Out
    Thousands of state workers in Egypt launched strikes and protests over their economic decline. The vice president makes it clear that he doesn't want those protests to be tolerated. A total of 8,000 protesters showed up at the main railway and highway to Cairo.
  • President Finally Steps Down

    President Finally Steps Down
    President Mubarak resigned his positions as president and handed control over to the military. Thousands of protesters cheered and celebrated at Cairo's square. Mubarak was clinging to his position of power but failed due to the persistency of the people of Egypt.