Ancient Egypt

  • 332

    Event 8

    When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire in 332 BC, he also took over Egypt at the same time, and so Alexander's Greek successors ruled Egypt after that (332-30 BC) (also called the Hellenistic).
  • 525

    Event 7

    In 525 BC, Cambyses, the Persian King, brought an army to Egypt and conquered Egypt, and made it part of the Persian Empire.
  • Apr 11, 1085

    Event 6

    During the Third
    Intermediate Period, East African kings from south of Egypt in Nubia ruled most of Egypt(1085-525 BC)
  • Jul 19, 1085

    Event 5

    .Along with the Mycenaeans and the Hittites, the Egyptian government
    also collapsed, leading to the Third Intermediate Period (1085-525 BC).
  • May 12, 1500

    Event 4

    Around 1500 BC, the Egyptian pharaohs from Upper
    Egypt were able to push out the Hyksos and reunite Egypt into one country again as the
    New Kingdom (1558-1085 BC).
  • Event 3

    Around 1800 BC, the Middle Kingdom pharaohs lost power again.
    We call this the Second Intermediate Period (1786-1558 BC).
  • Event 2

    By 2040 BC, the pharaohs
    managed to pull Egypt back together again to form the Middle Kingdom (2040-1633 BC), but
    the Middle Kingdom pharaohs were never as powerful as the Old Kingdom pharaohs, and they
    didn't build pyramids anymore.
  • Event 1

    Around (C.) 3000 BC (5000 years ago), at the beginning of the Bronze Age, the king of Upper
    Egypt conquered the king of Lower Egypt and made Egypt into one kingdom.