Robert Bakewell
This person only allowed his best sheep to breed which increased the weight of the lambs. -
People should judge ideas, institutions, and actions based on their utility or usefulness. -
Seed Drill
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. -
Flying Shuttle
John Kay invented the flying shuttle -
Spinning Jenny
The spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreave. -
James Watt
He found a way to make the steam engine work faster, more efficiently and use less fuel. -
Adam Smith
Adam wrote "The Wealth of Nations" which supported the idea of a free economy. -
An economic system in which money is invested in business ventures with the goal of maknig a profit. -
John McAdam
He made roadbeds with a layer of large stones for the drainage and put a layer of crushed rock on top. This technique allowed wagons to travel easier and not get stuck in the mud. -
Cyrus McCormick invented the Reaper. -
Abolition of Slavery
Britain abolished slavery from its empire in 1833. -
Factory Act
This law made it illegal to hire children under nine years old and children from 9-12 couldn't work more than 8 hours a day. Children from 13-17 could not work more than 12 hours. -
Samuel F. B. Morse
He developed a language of electrical signals for the telegraph. -
communism is complete socialism where the means of production would be owned by the people. -
Karl Marx
He wrote "The Communist Manifesto" which argued that human societies have always been divided into fighting classes and that the Industrial Revolution made the rich people wealthier and made the poor worse off. -
Foot Treadle
I.M.Singer invented the foot treadle for the sewing machine. -
U.S. ends slavery
Slavery ended in the United States after the Union won the Civil War in 1865 -
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. -
Council for Women
Women activists joined to form the International Council for Women in 1888. They were striving for their equal rights to men.