Kent dover castle

The Medieval Ages

  • 200

    The Roman Empire was at its Largest

    The Roman Empire was at its Largest
    The Roman Empire occupied almost all the different places around the Mediterranean. The Romans formed an Empire and it turned out to be the largest at the time.
  • 400

    The Roman Empire Splits into Two.

    The Roman Empire Splits into Two.
    The Empire split into to two Empires because of the Size of the Roman Empire. It was too hard to handle for one man, so they split it into the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire.
  • 410

    Barbarians are in Rome

    Barbarians are in Rome
    Barbarians killed the citizans of Rome, robbed Rome, and made waste to buildings.
  • 410

    The Barbarians attack the Western Empire

    The Barbarians attack the Western Empire
    The Visigoths led by Alaric I attacked Rome. The Huns had forced the Barbarians to move down into the Roman Empire and forced them to attack.
  • 476

    Roman Emperor overthrown by German Soldiers

    Roman Emperor overthrown by German Soldiers
    The Roman Empreror called Romulus Augstulus was overthrown and he was the last Empreror for Rome. In 476 AD they made the German Odoacer the ruler.
  • 570

    Mohammed the Leader of Islam is Born

    Mohammed the Leader of Islam is Born
    He was born in Mecca, in a tribe called the Quraish. They lived in a small house with a few goats and camels. His mother couldn't take care of him so she gave him to a foster carer.
  • Period: Feb 15, 600 to

    The Black Plague

    It was the most devasting occurances in Europe. It lasted from around the 6th Century - 19th Century. The first time it occured was in the 6th Century but the worst 2 years it happened in were in 1348-1350. In the 14th Century it reduced the population from about 450 million to about 375. million.
  • Jan 1, 610

    King Arthur leads defence of the Romano-Celtic Britain

    King Arthur leads defence of the Romano-Celtic Britain
    He fought with the Saxons. He was believed to defend Britain and mythical creatures. He was known as a warrior and a man of courage, but some people believe he isn't even real.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Mohammed the Leader of Islam Dies

    Mohammed the Leader of Islam Dies
    Mohammed died because he got poisoned just before his attack on the Jewish which had settled in Khaiber.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    This started in 1066 when the Normandy of Northern Frace and the British fought at Senlac Hill in England.
  • Jan 1, 1086

    Domesday Survey Completed of England and Parts of Wales

    Domesday Survey Completed of England and Parts of Wales
    The book is to keep hold of taxes and what people own. What was written in the book, was the law and it stayed like that.
  • Nov 27, 1095

    Pope Urban II making his speech to call Christians all over Europe to defeat Muslims

    Pope Urban II making his speech to call Christians all over Europe to defeat Muslims
    This was one of the most remembered speech ever made throughout the Middle Ages.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    This was to be taken to the holy city of Jerusalem where the Western Christians were to get hold of Jerusalem.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    It was designed to limit the King's power and authority. This is useful as the King could not change the law.
  • Jan 1, 1381

    Bible is translated into English

    Bible is translated into English
    It was translated from Latin into English. A person called John Wycliff translated the first bible into English.
  • Jul 12, 1381

    Peasants Revolt in London

    Peasants Revolt in London
    They revolted because of the taxes and labour shortages from the black plauge.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    It was invented by a German inventor called Johannes Gutenberg. He was born in Mainz, Germany and was and Entrepreneur.
  • The Vikings Destroy Linisfarne

    The Vikings Destroy Linisfarne
    They attacked Lindisfarne because they had wealth and they were an easy target. A lot of Vikings died in this battle.
  • Charlemagne becomes King of the Franks

    Charlemagne becomes King of the Franks
    He widened the Kingdom further out of Frankish Kingdom into Western and Centeral Europe.
  • Charlemagne Dies

    Charlemagne Dies
    He died in Aachen because of a severe fever. It developed into an illness and he died.
  • Charlemagne is crowned Empreror

    Charlemagne is crowned Empreror
    Once he conqured Italy he became and Empreror and a very successful Empreror until his death in 814.
  • The Western Empire Destroyed

    The Western Empire Destroyed
    This is believed to have fallen because of the upper class people squandering all this amount of money and not setting their eye on the battles. The Empire was too big, the soldiers weren't paid enough and there weren't enough soldiers for the amount required in battle.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1066

    The Vikings in Power

  • Period: to

    King Arthur is Born

    It is believed that King Arthur was born on the 21st of December between 478 - 488.