english Poor Law
the poor law gave assistance to people who were unable to work in the form of food, money or clothing. The assistance was given in the parish level. -
Law of settlement
allowed the return of people to their former settlementof res9dence if they had deficient resources -
Establishment of Alms houses
Alms houses were facilities for poor or abandoned children -
Children's Aid Society
Charles Loring Brace formed this society to rescue homeless children who were on the streets of New York City. The Children's Aid Society would sent children to Christian homes -
the First Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children
It was formed in New York City after a visitiing nurse demanded the same intervention for child abuse that would be given to an animal in the same circumstances. The child who was being abused was called Mary Ellen -
Hull house
Jane Adams established Hull house- Settlement houses for immigrants. -
Nobel Prize
Jane adams was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize -
New President
Franklin D. Roosevelt became president, millions of people were unemployed (Roosevelt hired 3 Social Workers Harry Hopkins, Francis Perkins as the first woman of secretary of labor and Jane Hoey to help him with the new deal administration) -
Committee on Economic Security
the president created a Committee on Economic Security, Harry Hopkins was asked to run the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA) and he became the first chief of FERA (Federal Emergency relief Administration) -
Works Project Administration
Harry Hopkins worked in the Works Project administration. The purpose of WPA was to give wages to people who were unemployed at that time -
Social Security Act
basic document of the American social welfare system (unemployment, workers compensation, old age etc) Jane Hoey became Director of the Bureau of Public Assistance within the Social Security Administration. -
Fair Labor Act
Fair labor Act meant 40hrs a week, no child labor, safe factory conditions) -
New Deal Legislation
1940%u2019s New Deal Legislation -
Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement and the war on Poverty -
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
1974 The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act- provided limited funding to states to treat, prevent and identify child neglect and abuse -
The Indian Child Welfare Act
The Indian Child Welfare Act- Strengthens the role of tribal governments in determining the custody of Indian children -
Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act
The Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act- to prevent out-of-home placement programs were established in order to serve children better at their homes -
Family Preservation and Support Initiative
The Family Preservation and Support Initiative- gave funding to states to support planning services and family preservation