Woodraw Wilson is elected
The Suffragettes march on Washinton
World War I breaks out
Child labor law is passed
The United states enters World War I
The Women's Suffrage movement takes place
Warren G. Harding is elected
Calvin Coolidge is elected
Warren G. Harding dies in office
Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic Ocean
Herbert Hoover is elected
The Stock Market crashes
Hitler comes to power
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected
The Works Progress Administration is created
Harry S. Truman is elected
The United States recognizes the state of Israel
The first Universal Automatic Computer was first completed
Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected
The first McDonalds Restaurant is created
Alaska becomes a state in the United States
John F. Kennedy is elected
The first American was launched into space
Lyndon B. Johnson is elected
Neil Armstrong lands on the moon