Constitutional Timeline

  • Royal Proclimation

    [Royal Proclimation](<a href='' >Royal Proclimation</a>The Royal Proclimation was issued by King George III so that he could extablish a government in the North American Territories after the Seven Year War. These were the key legal concepts for building governments in the Province of Quebec, East Flordia, West Flordia, and Grenada. It allowed the Native peoples more rights and King George III had given the Aboriginals land. This meant that the colonial settlers could not move to the west which was a factor to cause the American Revolution.
  • Act of Union

    [](Act of Union)Prclaimed Feb. 10, 1841. The purpose of this act was to remove the french culture from Canada, as well as to solve the finacial problems that Upper Canada has fell into. The act merged Upper and Lower Canada together to become the province of Canada with and East and West Canada, The decision to do such was made after Lord Durham went out to investigate the cause of the rebellions in 1837. The dissatisfaction with the Act of Union in both the East and West Canada led to Canadian Confederation.
  • British North America Act (BNA act)

    BNA Act
    The Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick joined confederation and the BNA act was created in order to balance out the problems with the old Province of Canada, and the up sides of the 3 new nations being brought together. The important elements of this act were the power of the Governor General and their power to disallow provincial laws, and that parliment could assume power else where.
  • Statue of Westminster

    [Statue of Westminster]( statue allowed all dominions of the British Nation including Canada full political independance, if they so choose. This meant that the BNA act and any British acts amending it would become Canadian Laws. This caused problems because Canda did not know who should then have rights to amend the laws. At a meeting they decided that the power to amend the constitution would be excluded from the statue, therefor Britian still had the rights to amend their constitution.
  • Canada Act

    Canada ActThis act created in 1982 allowed Canada to create their own laws. They no longer had to comply with all the laws and amendments of the Parliment of the United Kingdom. The Canada Act includes: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Rights of Aboriginal Peoples, Equalization and Religion Disparities and the Procedures for Amending Constitution.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    There was a change to the Constition that Quebec had not signed to agree to, but yet they were still bound by it. The government attempted to get Quebec to sign the new constitution but Quebec refused unless the changes they wished to see were accepted. Quebec wanted to become their own society with more federal power.The Newfoundland governement refused to accept. This lead to the death of the Meech Lake Accord.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown AccordThe Charlottetown Accord was to sort out which part of the government had power over which concepts. Provicial jurisdiction covered things like forestry, mining and other natural resources and cultural policy. The federal government got the national cultural bodies like the Nation Film Board. The federal and provincial jurisdictions had to have similar policies for tele-communication, labour development and immigration. This accord was not passed through the government and thus defeated.