What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • Learning how to use blogger.

    Learning how to use blogger.
    Before i started my coursework, I had to learn about blogger.com. Its an online account where you can upload work and show to followers of your blog.
  • Learning how to use the Mini- DV video cameras

    Learning how to use the Mini- DV video cameras
    We had to learn how to use the rechargable battery powered mini-DV cameras. The cameras are taped based and can be connected to a computer by a firewire cable. The cameras are of a digital format meaning there is no loss of quality.
  • On location

    On location
    I had to use a programme on a computer called On Location made by Adobe to capture footager of the portable video cameras. After I captured my clips i saved them to a internal hard drive outside the computer network.
  • Premiere Pro CS5

    Premiere Pro CS5
    Premiere pro is a creative suit from Adobe . it is a non-linear editing system where you can use a wide range of tools.
  • the different tools on Premiere pro

    the different tools on Premiere pro
    There were many tools on premiere pro what helped me to develop my title sequence. Tools such as the razor. The razor helps to put cut my clips in pieces and create the flashes in my title sequence.
  • The edit suite on premiere pro

    The edit suite on premiere pro
    In the bottom left hand corner there is a edit suite what you can upload effects. I would not of been able to of had the effects i have if i didnt no how to use this.
  • Using youtube

    Using youtube
    I had to know how to create and use my personal online youtube account. I needed to know how to learn this so i could upload my title sequence to youtube and from there inbed it into my blog. Also i used youtube as a online search engine to look at other AS students work as insperation and also to find the clips i needed to analysis.