History of libraries

By n8ter88
  • Library Company of Philadelphia was created

    with help from Ben franklin
  • Library Company of Philadelphia hired Louis Timothee

  • 47 merchants created RedWood Library

    in Newport, Rhode Island.
  • James Logan donates 4,000 books to public library

  • Period: to

    1200 Libraries were created

  • City of boston opened up the first modern public library inAmerica

  • Centennial Exposition of 1876

  • Dewey was hired as head librarian at Columbia

  • Andrew Carnagie Gave away 310 libraries

  • Period: to

    Depression forces libraries to slash budgets

  • ALA adopts “Library Bill of Rights”

  • Congress passes Library Services Act

  • Library Services and Construction Act

  • Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) founded

  • First White House Conference on Library and Information Services