Decomp Dig

  • Styrfoam

    Styrfoam is made of solid waste and harmful byproducts.
    Styrofoam does not decompose and could remain for more than 400 years before any changes in its physical makeup occur.
    The styrfoam Didnt decompose.
  • regular chip bag

    regular chip bag
    It dose not decompose,But it eventually partsd into tiny articals and turn into plastic dust..... This may take 100 of years!
    The regular chip bag did not really decompose
  • Sun chip Bag

    Sun chip Bag
    It is biodegradable
    It decomposes very rapedly
    It isnt bad for enviroment.
    dug up Mach 7 alls the sun chips bag was ripp it did not decompose
  • Apple

    Apples decompose faster If they are cut open if they are left hole its slower
    It usally takes 3 weeks for it to decompose!
    Dug up March 7
    The apple mostly decomposed about 505
  • Orange

    It takes 2-5 weeks for an orange to decompose.
    The orange decomeposed about 40%
  • Foil

    Aluminum foil is made from an aluminum alloy which contains between 92 and 99 percent aluminum.
    It can take an aluminum can up to 50 years to decompose.
    Foil did not decompose any!
  • Cotten

    It dose not decompose
  • weather Jan 19

    33 degrees 27 degrees 5-9mph front e-s
  • Weather Jan 20

    High-30 degrees
    low-16 degrees
    9 degees
    21mph from N
  • Weather Jan 21

    31 degrees
    22 degrees
    12-16mph from s-sw
  • Weather Jan 22

  • paper

    Paper in a warm moist landfill will decompose in 2 or 3 weeks. If it is cooler and drier, then it will take longer. Paper will survive in a very dry climate for many hundreds of years (people find old newspapers in the walls of their houses).
    the paper didnt decompose
  • Paper final decomp

    Paper final decomp
    The paper really didnt decompose
  • Foil final decom.

    Foil final decom.
    The foil mostly folded over didn't Decompose
  • Orange final decomp

    Orange final decomp
    The orange decomposed 40% so if there was another weeknit probably decomp[osed about 90%
  • Apple final Decomp.

    Apple final Decomp.
    The Apple mostly decomposed About 50%
  • Regular chips bag Final decomp

    Regular chips bag Final decomp
    The chips bag really did not decompose
  • Cotten final decomp

    The cotten didn't decompose it takes a couple of years for it to decompose
  • Sun chips bag final decomp

    The sun chiops bag did not decompose but the bag did get moist and old and ripped.
  • Styrafoam Final Decomp

    The styrafoam did not decompose but it did get moist and old and tore up