Two-Moons is started
Savah arrives at the spot that will later become the town of Two-Moons. She comes to this special spot in the Valley, pulled by something she doesn't understand yet. Other elves comes with her and a small way station is built for trackers and the few who live in the hills. After a year the waystaion grows into a small group of buildings as news of the town spreads. -
Rain arrives in town
The doctor comes to town after hearing the growing spot is in need of a doctor. Really though, he's pulled ot this spot for some mysterious reason and is soon learnign under the tutelage of Savah -
One-Eye comes to town
On the chance to make a life with his new bride, Clearbrook. The two look liek they have nothing in common, execpt for a deep unabiding love. -
Lonbranch comes to town on his brothers invitation
The lawyer arrioves in town with his family, Brownberry and his daughter, 5 year old Nightfall. -
Strongbow buys land just outside of Two-Moons
The famed horse whisperer seeks a calm refuge from the world and the frontier and this valley is perfect. He arrives with his wife Moonshade and daughter Crescent, who is 6 and son Dart who is 5 -
The Restaurant opens up
Brownberry opens up her restaurant after Longbranch and One-Eye help get it built and started. -
The Dress shop open up
With a small load from Longbranch, Strongbow and Moonshade open up her dress shop in town. -
The Blue Mountain Cattle Ranch is started
The unparalled business elf, Voll, comes to town and purchases most of the bottom land east of town determined to make his mark on this untamed land the way he did back east. -
The Hildalgo is started
Sun Toucher comes from the south buying up the land to the south where he quickly forms up the close knit farming community. He comes with his wife Toorah and their daughters Leetah, who is 11 and Shenshen who is 6 -
Silver Springs up to the north.
Two trolls hit the mother load in the Hills two days north of Two-Moons and the rush is on. The town of Silver Springs pops up almost over night to the chagrin of everyone in Two-Moons. -
Greymung and Guttlekraw come to town
No one knows for sure if they came together or by themselves, but one thing is for sure, they got to Two-Moons about the sametime. -
Picknose arrives in town and so does the saloon
The troll, with Oddbit and Old Maggotty in tow, shows in town and six months later 'The Hammer and Tongs' is opened much to the dismay of some -
Nightfall Captured!
Nightfall is found unconcious on the trail by a young Redlance and he takes her back to the tribe where she is quickly seized. This is the start of the Redlance and Nightfall backstory. http://elfwest.namepad.net/Past/Red_Night/past_rn1.htm -
Redlance comes to town
Redlance comes to town to bring Nightfall her horse and causes a lot of trouble told in this story. http://elfwest.namepad.net/Past/Red_Night/past_rn4.htm -
The Tracker leaves on a Vision Quest
Redlance leaves to go on the Vision quest that Black Feather gave him. He spends the night before with Nightfall and Tyleet is concieved. -
Cutter leaves for the Army
Cutter leaves town to join the Army in hopes of helping his father. This is where the backstory for him begins http://elfwest.namepad.net/Past/Cut_Sky/Cut_Sky_Part1.htm -
Tyleet is born
The precious bundle is brought into the world by Doctor Rain. -
The Tracker returns
Redlance returns from his Vision quest to find Nightfall and discovers Tyleet, who he accepts immediately as his even if Nightfall says she isn't. Told in this story http://elfwest.namepad.net/Past/Red_Night/past_rn8.htm -
One-Eye goes missing
After joining the Army for the Abode and being assigned to the artilery company One-Eye is captured by the Djun's forces after they hit the fort and overun it in the night. He is assumed dead but Clerarbook refuses to believe it and so does Longbranch. -
War is Upon us!
The Djun and his government declare War on the Abode. Redlance, Cutter, and Skywise are swept into the hostilities.