11 Memorable Moments in TV History

  • The Kennedy/Nixon Debate

    The Kennedy/Nixon Debate
    In the first televised presidential debate, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy both tried to convey their political views and win over the public. the poised JFK was the clear winner.
    Photo: History.com
  • Walter Cronkite Announces the Death of JFK

    Walter Cronkite Announces the Death of JFK
    Cronkite announces the death of JFK as he was assassinated in Dallas.
    Photo: CBS
  • The Beatles on Ed Sullivan

    The Beatles on Ed Sullivan
    The Beatles first live performance on American television on CBS "The Ed Sullivan Show" in New York on Feburary 9, 1964.
    Photo: CBSNews
  • Walter Cronkite Denounces the Vietnam War

    Walter Cronkite Denounces the Vietnam War
    The first "television war" brought constant visuals to viewers around the world of the events happening in Vietnam. On February 27, at the end of his broadcast of the war coverage, Walter Cronkite gave an editorial and said, "I'm more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate."
    Photo: KPBS
  • The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Television captures space travel and the achievements. the Apollo 11 crew landed on the moon on July 20.
    Photo: A-MEN
  • Richard Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon Resigns
    Richard Nixon went on television August 8, 1974 and gave a 16 mintue speech in which he resigned the presidency.
    Photo: NY Times
  • Roots

    Alex Haley's 12-hour TV movie aired on ABC over eight nights stunning viewers around the country and combining education and entertainment on television. This movie documented historic events of slavery.
    Photo: PBS
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Two years after President Ronald Reagan commanded Gorbachev to tear down the wall, the first concrete slab was knocked down on the night of November 10, 1989.
    Photo: Bloomberg Business
  • The O.J. Simpson Chase

    The O.J. Simpson Chase
    A fleet of LAPD cruisers followed a white Bronco down Interstate 5 and inside was former footbal star O.J. Simpson. Prior to this, Simpson's ex-wife and her friend were killed 3 days earlier.
    Photo: LATimes
  • September 11 Attacks

    September 11 Attacks
    Reports announced the World Trade Center being hit by airplanes and soon the world knew about the terrorists attacks on the Pentagon and other US cities.
    Photo: NY Daily News
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Severe weather conditions destroyed the Gulf Coast leaving New Orleans and surrounding areas in the breathtaking aftermath and casualities.
    Photo: History.com