By tbone
  • Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
    A Serbian assassin murder Archuduke Ferdinand and his wife Sopia of Austria Hungary
  • Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia
    Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. After the assassintion of Archduke Ferdinand
  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    Lusitania was Britian carring U.S. soldiers. Then a german submarine came by and promised not to shot but did anyway.
  • Zimmer Telegram

    Zimmer Telegram
    A telegram was sent to Mexico to attack America. But along the way Britian intersect the telegram and warned America, since they was at a trust.
  • Russian Withdraws

    Russian Withdraws
    The withdraw was caused by the Russian Revolution because the bad goverment wasn't spending no money on its people, but on war.
  • U.S delcares war on Germany

    U.S delcares war on Germany
    President Woodrow Wilson wanted to declare war on Germany, even doe it started in 1914.
  • Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
    Woodrow Wilson Fourteen Points as hoping to bring a lasting trust. “peace without victory.”
  • Germany surrenders/ Armistice signed

    Germany surrenders/ Armistice signed
    Germany gives up the fight and sign the Armistice.But the treaty came with a catch, that they was stripped from its airports, and cut there men from 1,000,000 to 100,100, and could only have 6-8 naval ships.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    This treatl was giving to the Germay Learder stating that they had to lower the number of men, shut down weapons factory, and could have only 6-8naval ships.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations goal was to stop future wars. It was a intergovermental group.