Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
A Serbian assassin murder Archuduke Ferdinand and his wife Sopia of Austria Hungary -
Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia
Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. After the assassintion of Archduke Ferdinand -
Armenian Genocide
Sinking of the Lusitania
Lusitania was Britian carring U.S. soldiers. Then a german submarine came by and promised not to shot but did anyway. -
Zimmer Telegram
A telegram was sent to Mexico to attack America. But along the way Britian intersect the telegram and warned America, since they was at a trust. -
Russian Withdraws
The withdraw was caused by the Russian Revolution because the bad goverment wasn't spending no money on its people, but on war. -
U.S delcares war on Germany
President Woodrow Wilson wanted to declare war on Germany, even doe it started in 1914. -
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson Fourteen Points as hoping to bring a lasting trust. “peace without victory.” -
Germany surrenders/ Armistice signed
Germany gives up the fight and sign the Armistice.But the treaty came with a catch, that they was stripped from its airports, and cut there men from 1,000,000 to 100,100, and could only have 6-8 naval ships. -
Treaty Of Versailles
This treatl was giving to the Germay Learder stating that they had to lower the number of men, shut down weapons factory, and could have only 6-8naval ships. -
League of Nations
The League of Nations goal was to stop future wars. It was a intergovermental group.