war wrold 1

  • assassination of ferdinand

    assassination of ferdinand
    this was the spark of the war in 1914. when they killed him they delcared war on sibera. theats when all the countrys stared geting in to it.
  • austria hungry declares war on serbia

    austria hungry  declares war on serbia
    in 1914 one month after Ferdinand was killed austria delcares war on saberia not knowing that this would unlesh a war.
  • sinking of lusitania

    sinking of lusitania
    in may 1 1915 germay sunk the ship because it was transporting wepons from the us to british. the us was really mad this was another thing that drawed the us more in to the war .
  • zimmerman telegram

    zimmerman telegram
    in 1917 germany sent a telegram to mexico saying that if mexico would join with germany inthe way that they could have the u.s in return
  • U.S declares war on germany

    U.S declares war on germany
    the us declares war on germany on april 2, 1917. a few thinghs that push the us to join the war was the sinking of lusitania, and the telegram that germany sent to mexico.
  • 14 point plan

    14 point plan
    woodrow wilsion came up with this plan to keep peace.it had 14 main points dat would prevent war. in 1918 janary 8.
  • russia withdraws

    russia withdraws
    russia had alot of problems and they didnt have moeny to fund the war . they alos had a cruppct goverment that didnt help them at all. so they had to with draw from war world 1 and other countries came in in there place.
  • armenian genocide

    armenian genocide
    it was about one kind of race getting killed, by 1918 1 millons people were killed , turkey was in charge at that time.
  • germany surrenders / armistice signed

    germany surrenders / armistice signed
    in november 11 1918, germany signed the armisitice saying that they surrnder and will pay france for all the damge they have done. htye also had to give up counryies they owned, they had a limmited amount of wepons.
  • league of nations

    league of nations
    the treaty of verssitle came before the leauge of nations they made it to ensure that we wouldnt go to war again but it didnt work as well because the u.s didnt join.
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    it was suppose to be a peace between all nations that would prevent from becomeing another war wilson withdrow was the one with idea.the treaty was signed in 1919 june 28.