570 - 490 B.C.
Discovered :
1.) Fate of the soul and after death, reincarnations
2.) Religious ritual
3.) Two places at once
4.) Self discipline http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pythagoras/ -
384 - 322 B.C.
Discovered :
1.) Four causes
2.) Based upon Christianity http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/GREECE/ARIST.HTM -
Ancient Greek Astronomy
310 - 230 B.C.
Information :
1.) Constilations based on Roman and Greek Gods and Godesses
2.) Moon - Selene, Artemis
Mercury - Hermes
Venus - Aphrodite, Ishtar, Inanna, Isis, Hesperos, Lucifer, Phosphoros, Freya
Sun - Phoebus
Mars - Ares
Jupiter - Zeus, Jove
Saturn - Kronos http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://redmythology.wikispaces.com/file/view/ancientgreekgods.gif/31474147/ancientgreekgods.gif&imgrefurl=https://redmytholo
<a href='http://www.astunit.com/tutorials/greek.htm' > -
Aristarchus of Samos
310 - 230 B.C.
Discovered :
1.) Earth moves around the sun
2.) Lunar and solar distances is geometrically right Samos Biography -
276 - 196 B.C.
Discovred :
1.) a : x = x : y = y : b
2.) 675 stars
3.) Math helped understand astronmy
http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Eratosthenes.html -
190 - 120 B.C.
Discovered :
1.) Number data from observating geometric models and discoverd equinoxes.
2.) Not much work. Ptolemy sought Hipparchus to be a great successor. Hipparchus Biography -
Period: 200 to
Time Span
Feb 19, 1473
Discovered :
1.) Earth revolves around the sun
2.) Start of the Scientific Revolution http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Copernicus.html -
Dec 27, 1511
Johannes Kepler
Discovered :
1.) Relative distances of the planets from the Sun in the Copernican System
2.) Helped Galileo by spoitting Jupiter http://galileo.rice.edu/sci/kepler.html -
Feb 15, 1546
Galileo Galilei
Discovered :
1.) Invented hydrostastic balance
2.) Finds out about centers of gravity
3.) Observes new star 'supernova' -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Discovered :
1.) Scientific circles are not correct (they are everywhere - no distinct place)
2.) Comets path is elongated. -
Isaac Newton
Annie Jump Cannon
1.) More than 400,000 stars
2.) First women to be an officer in American Astronomical Society http://www.sdsc.edu/ScienceWomen/cannon.html -
George Hale
1.) Spectroheliograph
2.) Founded the Astrophysical Journal (came up with astrophysics)
3.) Founded the Yerkes Observatory http://www.mwoa.org/hale.html -
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
1.) Cepheid variable period-luminosity relationship - how much time it took a star to go from bright to dim and how bright it actually was
2.) Developed photographic measurements http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/baleav.html -
Albert Einstein
1.) Foundation of the photon theory of light.
2.) Used geometry for physics -
Edwin Hubble
1.) Universe is expanding
2.) Found the milky way
3.) Had a classification system - Hubble's Law http://www.edwinhubble.com/hubble_bio_001.htm -
Gerald Kuiper
1.) 20 AU distance for binary stars
2.) 10% of binaries have a sister star http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/K/KuiperGP.html -
Bengt Georg Daniel Stromgren
1.) Ionized gas around stars
2.) Found how the density, luminous of stars consist and the size work together http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/S/Stromgren.html -
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
1.) Blackholes
2.) White dwarfstars
3.) Study of Stellar structure -
Grote Reber
1.) Invented the telescope -
James Van Allen
1.) Radiation belts
2.) Help launch Explorer I into space
3.) Charged solar particles are trapped by Earth's magnetic field in rings http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/09/AR2006080901946.html -
Sir Fred Hoyle
1.) Build-up of elements with hot insides of stars http://www.coseti.org/hoyle.htm -
E. Margaret Burbidge
1.) Became director of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich
2.) Helped make the Hubble Space Telescope http://www.nndb.com/people/692/000168188/ -
Eugene Shoemaker
1.) Came up with planetery science
2.) Planets and astroids in the solar system http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/About/People/GeneShoemaker/ -
Thomas Mutch
1.) Helped Viking I go to Mars http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Geology/colloquia/mutch.html