Full house  c10103065

Full House Timeline

  • Stirrings

    Downtown Well venues, gatherings not working for our families. Starting to share vision of DT Well as a 'group of groups,' sensing that the current structure and leadership is the wrong container for these people.
  • Venting & Confirmation

    Fernando vents his frustrations openly at DT meeting. People respond, saying they want to continue as a group. Ball begins rolling toward a restructuring. Doyles are absent - Stephen on support trip, Laura at Merode Well. Clearly, everyone's stirring, wanting something to change in 2009.
  • Decisions & Communication

    Confirmed with Laura Jones our intention to break from DT leadership and form a new expression. Seeking clarity on true DT identity.
  • 1st FH Meeting

    Chez Doyles, we eat French Toast Casserole and Bacon Cornbread. Share visions, discuss ideas. Initiated a Peer Coaching Workshop. Intention is that this form of interaction/discipleship be the bedrock of our expression. Also is an initiative worth developing in the future.
  • Group of Groups becomes Initiative of Initiatives

    Remaining DT leadership and participants 'downgrade' to an initiative of initiatives. Feels fitting and accelerating, considering the level of commitment to The Well. Lots of honest discussion in this meeting by leaders. Fernando & Judith both admit they seek their church experience elsewhere, and want to use DT Sunday meetings to organize events that interest them.
  • 2nd Full House Event

    This was the one with french toast casserole, actually. 2nd Peer Coaching session, completed after our meeting. Affirming JVs desire to do this, setting a standard for how to encourage/support people in our expression who are stirred to initiate something.
  • Next Peer Coaching Session

    Friday, Chez Doyles. Vir comes over and we watch another video, split into coaching pairs. Eat leftover chocolate cake from Dinner Party.
  • Announce FH @ AWW

    'each person who joins our church changes it forever.' Announced open house date for the 15th of February.
  • Peer Coaching meets Strengths Finder

    Peer Coaching meets Strengths Finder
    Nada needs help moving her initiative forward, and calls on JV. We try to use this as a strategic opportunity for both initiative 'seedlings.' One idea is that the FH expression would be a good fit for people who participate in these initiatives. Is there a good bridge event that can facilitate this?
  • Poker Night

    Poker Night
    Draws a crowd of 10-12. Stirrings for another Poker for Life event. Need at least one more regular night, in order to build momentum.
  • FH does STC

    S, L, JV join neighbor Marthe in a walking tour of BRX & STC. Serve at FDJ, Victor Du Pre & Foyer Selah. JV & Stephen make progress on how we want to plan for & advertise Full House events & conversations. One month at a time seems right, since it encompasses one full cycle (or orbit).
  • Open House

    Dela Cruz family falls ill (Doyles are only 2 days behind them). S&L use the time to debrief STC.