Sep 8, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was developed by the people who were seeking protection from the King's acts. It mostly consisted of the unalienable rights and those rights were given to everyone. Not just those who were rich and/or provlidged. -
Mayflower Compact
A written agreement signed by the new settlers. First equal and fair laws made for the "New Land". Stated that the colonies weere free from the English laws. -
The Petition of Rights
This happened after the Magna Carta was singed and started to get popular. In order to get more money pn taxes, the parlement of rights had to be signed. This limited the kings power and gavethe people more rights then they had under the king's rule before. -
Navagation Act
Passed by the English to exclude the Dutch from the profits made by the English trade. (Cotton, sugar, tabacco, etc.) During this time, many colonists stopped following the laws and promoted smuggling and bribary. Farmers portested. Revoked in 1849after Britian supported the policy of free trade. -
Period: to
Navagation Act
Passed by the English to exclude the Dutch from the profits made by the English trade. (Cotton, sugar, tabacco, etc.) During this time, many colonists stopped following the laws and promoted smuggling and bribary. Farmers portested. Revoked in 1849after Britian supported the policy of free trade. -
English Bill of Rights
This was a precusor to the American Bill of Rights. It was a statement declairing the rights and liberties of the peopleof a constitutional monarchy should have. -
Proclamation of 1763
This made the frontier off limits to colonial expancion, All land West of the rivers flowing to the Atlantic Ocean from West to North West were closed. This excluded the rich Ohio Valley and Ohio to Mississippi River from settlement. This made the colonists feel resentment. -
The Sugar Act
This was when a tax had been added on to all of the sugar and molasses purchasetd. They had to make more taxes on things to ensure that they made more money and that the English product was cheaper then the French West Indeis products. -
The Stamp Act
This was when Graet Britian required taxes on all legal documents, business agreements, and newspapers. After that, a lot of colonies started to oppose the British government. Also, the commities started to exchange information among the patriots too. -
Boston Tea Party
When the British put a high tax on everyone's tea. That made Boston's residents dump a lot of crates full of British tea into the Harbor. It showed that the colonests would not stand for haing everything have a tax on it from Britian. It made Britian think that they needed to put the colonies under more control!!! -
Coercire Act
This is also known as the restraining acts. This was by new government and the people who feared that the stern measures were making a course that no one wanted to follow. That included their advice and it was put into action after the Boston Tea Party. -
First Constitutional Congress
Met to show authority to Great Britian so we could become independant and have our own government. This helped the colonies overcome their distrusts and conflicts with eachother. -
Second Continental Congress
After the Redcoats stormed Britian, people wondered how they would meet theBritish Military threat. This was when George Washington volunteered (without pay) to become comander. Authorized the printing of money, and made the US a full bodied government. Started making the Declaration of Independance. -
1st Shots Fired at Lexington and Concord
The British went to Concord because Americans had been stock piling weapons there. It is knownas "The shot heard 'Round' the world". When it happened everyone said "The Redcoats are coming!!!!" This started the American Revolution and opened the conflict between the King and the 13 colonies. -
Declaration of Independance
This was a huge symbol of liberty. It broke the ties between the colonies. It told Britian that we wanted to be part of our own country now.