Chapter 13 World History

  • Jan 27, 1420

    Portuguese begin exploring Africa

    The Portuguese began sailing along the African coast
  • Jan 27, 1487

    Bartholomeu Dias rounds tip of Africa

  • Oct 27, 1492

    Chirstopher Columbus reaches West Indies

    Columbus persuaded Queen Isabella f Spain to finance his expedition
  • Jan 27, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas signed

    The treaty called for a line of demarcation extending from north to south through the Atlantic Ocean and esternmost part of south American contient.
  • Period: Jan 31, 1498 to

    England rules United States

  • May 31, 1498

    Vasco da Gama sails across Indian Ocean to India

  • Jan 31, 1501

    Pedro Cabral lands in South America

  • Jan 27, 1510

    Albuquerque finds Melaka

    Melaka is a thriving spice trade portin the Malya Peninsula
  • Period: Jan 31, 1518 to

    First enslaved Africans taken from Africa to the New World & when slavery was abolished in United States

  • Jan 27, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the world

    takes creadit for being the first person for sailing around the world
  • Jan 27, 1520

    Aztec were defeted by the Spainsh

    Spainsh got the Aztecs trust and killed all the Aztecs
  • Period: Jan 31, 1521 to

    Spain rules Mexico

  • Jan 27, 1530

    The Incas were defeated by Francisco Pizarro

  • Jan 27, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Catholic church was being attacked and was alo spliting up.
  • Dutch sail to India

    when the Dutch went to India they began cmpeting with the English and Portuguese for Indain Ocean trade.
  • Dutch establish settlements on North America

  • England sails to India

    At the beginning of the 1600's and english fleet landed on the northwestren coast of india and established trade realtions with the peolpe there
  • French colonize Canada and Louisiana

    the French colinize parts of what is now Canada and Louisiana
  • Herny Hudson discoverd the Hudson Bay

  • English take New Netherland

    the English seized the conoly of New Netherland from the Dutch and renamed it New York.
  • Period: to

    England rules Canada