Chapter 10 Carr

  • The Declining Power

    During the 1800's the Ottoman Empire's power was declining. The idea of nationalist started the revolts on the Ottoman Empire declined.
  • The Austri-Hungarian Empire

    The power was at its peak.
  • The Gathering

    The European leaders met for 10 months to make the countries new boundaries. The new boundaries made a border if the French wqanted to attack again it would take some time to get to the other big countries.
  • The Italian Revolts

    The nationalist started a revolt so they could unify Italy. This is important because this would be the first time Italy would be unified since 576 A.D.
  • The Nationalist Revolts

    The nationalist revolts went on through the region. This showed that they didn't want anything to change.
  • Nationalist in Venice

    Nationalists attack Venice took over the city.
  • Emperor Francis Joseph

    Francis Joseph became the Emperor of Austria. He dealt with nationalist revolts.
  • The Prime Minister of Italy

    King Victor Emmanuel ll made Count Camillo Cavour his prime minister. This is significant because Cavour was a Realpolitik.
  • The New Alliance

    Cavour made a secret alliance with France. Doing this allowed them to attack anyone without them knowing that they have a stronger force.
  • The War on Austria

    Cavour made Austria to have a war with them. Austria didn't know that France was helping them and it made Italy win easier.
  • Cavour's Death

    Cavour died. His dream was complete and Italy formed an alliance with Prussia.
  • The New Prime Minister of Prussia

    King William declared Bismark the Prime Minister. This is signigicant because without Bismark King William would never have took all of that land.
  • Bismark and Austria Alliance

    Bismark formed an alliance with Austria. This is important because the alliance made their army almost unstopable.
  • The First War

    Bismark and Austria attacked Denmark and took the southern part of the country. This is significant because this is one of the wars that proved how strong the army was.
  • The Betrayal

    Bismark betrayed Austria and attacked them. Bismark attacked Austria to show that they would do what ever was necessary to make their country better.
  • Dual Monarchy

    The Hungarian nationalist made a compromise called the Austria-Hungry. They were seperated but they were ruled by one Emperor.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    Bismark provoked the Franco-Prussian War. This was to finally unite Germany.
  • The New Reich

    Germany officially were united and called themselves the "2nd Reich". This showed everyone that they were the dominated power now.
  • The Catholic Church

    Bismark started a political war on the Catholic Church. He did this but the people stood by their faith.
  • Bismark the Chancellar

    Kaiser William made Bismark the Chancellar. This allowed him to make most of the military decisions.
  • The Catholic Churh Backfired

    the Catholic Church stood by the church and did not allow him to take it away. He then made a peace with the church.
  • Kaiser William's Death

    Kaiser William died. This ended Bismarks military reign.
  • Kaiser William ll

    Kaiser William ll became ruler. The Kaiser made Bismark resign.
  • Bismark resigns

    The Kaiser made Bismark resign. He did this so no one thought that Bismark was ruling for the Kaiser.