Slave run away

Slavery Timeline

By jenlev
  • Declaration of Indepedence ADOPTED

  • Constitution Ratified

  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 697,681Free blacks: 59,527 Total Blacks: 757,208
    % Free blacks 7.9%
    Total US population: 3,929,214
    % Total blacks: 19%
  • Period: to


  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 893,602Free blacks: 108,435 Total blacks: 1,002,037
    % Free blacks: 10.8%
    Total US population: 5,308,483
    % Total blacks: 19%
  • Slave Trade Illegal

  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 1,191,362Free blacks: 186,446 Total blacks: 1,377,808
    % Free blacks: 13.5%
    Total US population: 7,239,881
    % Total blacks: 19%
  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 1,538,022Free blacks: 233,634 Total blacks: 1,771,656
    % Free blacks: 13.2%
    Total US population: 9,638, 453
    % Total blacks: 18%
  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 2,009,043Free blacks: 319,599 Total blacks: 2,328, 642
    % Free blacks: 13.7%
    Total US population: 12,860,702
    % Total blacks: 18%
  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 2,487, 355Free blacks: 386,293 Total blacks: 2,873,648
    % Free blacks: 13.4%
    Total US population: 17,063,353
    % Total blacks: 17%
  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 3,204,313Free blacks: 434,495 Total blacks: 3,638,808
    % Free blacks: 11.9%
    Total US population: 23,191,876
    % Total blacks: 16%
  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 3,953,760Free blacks: 488,070 Total blacks: 4,441,830
    % Free blacks: 11%
    Total US population: 31,443,321
    % Total blacks: 14%
  • XIII Amendment Passed

  • Distribution of Slaves

    Slaves: 0Free blacks: 4,880,009 Total blacks: 4,880,009
    % Free blacks: 100%
    Total US population: 38,558,371
    % Total blacks: 13%