
  • journey to jamestown

    journey to jamestown
    The vollege to jameston began in 1606 with 105 cottned witch where manly gentleman protected by solders but there where goldsmiths and cooks and people like that.
  • when the jameston colonists landed

    when the jameston colonists landed
    after months at sea the Jamestown colonists entered the Chesapeake Bay and landed at the sight of James Fort. Tehy travelelled 60 miles down the Bay looking for suitable spots to moor.
  • the choseing of the leaders of Jamestown

    The Jamestown leaders where chosen by the arochats who fineast the experation at Jamestown. The arochats chose the leaders wisely they chose seven leaders from all of the different classes of Jamestonwn then wrote them on paper and put them in a box that was only opened when the Colonst reached james island