
Major Events of the Civil War

  • Abraham Linciln elected president of U.S.

    Abraham Linciln elected president of U.S.
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union

    South Carolina secedes from the Union
  • Confederacy formed

    Seven states form Confederacy, write their own constitution, and plan for an independent nation.
  • Lincoln inaugurated

    Lincoln inaugurated
  • Fort Sumpter attacked

    Fort Sumpter attacked
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Gen. McDowell leads 30,000 men against Gen. Johnston's 22,000 Southern troops to crush the rebels. However, South scores victory as Union troops flee back to Washington in disarray. McDowell is replaced by Gen. McClellan
  • Grant captures Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

  • Peninsular Campaign begins

  • Confederate "Merrimac" battles Union "Monitor"

    First ironclad battle in history. It ends in a draw as the Merrimac withdraws after daylong exchange of fire. Union blockade of South is kept.
  • Confederate surprise attack union troops at Shiloh

    13,000 Union killed and wounded and 10,000 Confederates.
  • Union moves up Mississippi Riv. and take New Orleans

  • Second Battle of Bull Run

  • Confederate armies are stopped at Antietam

  • Emancipation Proclomation issued

    Emancipation Proclomation issued
    With victory at Antietam, Lincoln announces that all slaves in the rebelling states would be free.
  • Army of the Potomac suffers defeat at Fredericksburg

  • Battle of Chancellorsville begins

    The Union Army is defeated by Lee's smaller forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia. Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson is mortally wounded by his own soldiers. Union retreats. Union losses are 17,000 killed, wounded and missing.
  • Confederates are defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg

    The tide of war turns against the South.
  • Vicksburg surrenders to General Grant

  • Rebel siege of Chattanooga ends

  • Grant promoted and given command of all Union troops

    Grant promoted and given command of all Union troops
  • Union forces miss an opportunity to capture Petersburg

    Union forces miss an opportunity to capture Petersburg and cut off the Confederate rail lines. As a result, a nine month siege of Petersburg begins with Grant's forces surrounding Lee.
  • Atlanta captured by the Union

  • Lee surrenders

    Lee surrenders
    Lee, refusing to see his troops suffer any further, surrenders to Grant. Southern troops given generous terms of surrender.