How much will styrofoam decompose? -
I think that the sytrofoam will decompose the slowest. -
Materials and Equipment
We use a shovel,tape, and wooden rods. We buried a styrofoam cup, aluminum foil, sun chips bag, regular chips bag,apple,paper,cotton,and a orange. -
Dig Day
Today we dug holes in the ground for each item the cotton fabric, oragne,apple,foil,regular chips bag,sunchips bag,and paper. -
Materials and Equipment
On the day we dug holes we used caution tape,shovels,metal steaks,wooden steaks,and a sledge hammer. -
Styrofoam is not a recycled thing so it with probably decinigrate slower than other things we buried. -
Todays tempature
Tempature 18 degrees the windchill is 6 degrees
wind speed 8-12 mph from N-NW -
Weather for January 11
The tempature is 15 degrees outside , the windchill is 5 degrees, and the wing speed for today is 4-13 mph. -
Todays Tempature
Tempature for today is 15 degrees windchill is 5 degrees and the wind speed for today is 4-13 the wind is blowing from the N-NW -
Aluminum foil
I dont think aluminum foil will decinigrate that much or hardly at all. -
Sun Chips Bag
This fully biodegradable bag is said to be able to decompose over 14 weeks when placed in a hot, active compost bin or pile—at home or at an industrial composting site. -
Regular Chips Bag
It takes about 14 weeks for a regular sun chips bag to decompose. -
Weather for February 2
The tempature is 18 degrees outside, the windchill is 6 degrees , and the wind is blowing 8-12 mph. -
It takes about 5 weeks for an apple to rot and decompose. -
I don't think paper will decompose at all. -
I don't think cotton will decompose. -
The orange, will take about 6 to 7 weeks to start to decompose. -
Decomposing Condition
In extremly dry and extremely wet conditions,decomposition is slowed down. The ground needs to be moist. Our soil conditions have not been good for decomposition. During the winter we got a lot of snow and the ground was very wet. -
The orange turned pink and molded. It decomposed like 55%. -
The apple turned from a yummy apple to a rotten ,mushy,gross apple. It decomposed like 50%. -
Sun Chips Bag
Ripped a little and decoposed like 2%. -
Regulare Chips Bag
Didn't do anything, maybe decomposed 10%. -
The foil didn't decompose at all, 0%. -
The styrofoam broke into little pieces, and decomposed about 40%. -
Wet and tore up, decomposed about 40%. -
Nothing happend to it, decomposed 0%.