the Revolution

  • Boston Tea Party

    After passing taxing the colonist for the necessities of life, Parliament now taxed the luxury of tea. For the colonists, this would not stand. On this night, colonist dumped a whole shipment of tea into the Boston Harbour to rebel against the crown
  • The Intolerable Acts are passed

    For the colonists, this was the last straw. With no where else to turn, it was time to break away.
  • The First Continental Congress is established

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first shots of the Revolution are sounded. Although beaten badly, this showed the Rebels were going to put up a fight
  • George Washington is made Commander of the Continental Army

    An army is established and Congress has chosen Washington to lead the rebellion
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Just two days after Washington is named Commander, he is out on a battle field defending Bunker Hill. Fighting an uphill battle, the British took the hill, but with heavy losses.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This was the colonists last attempt at peace with Great Britain. It was denied by the king and the war would continue
  • The British are driven out of Boston

    After almost a year of bombardment, the British are forced out of Boston and retreat to New York
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed

    Congress declares total independence and breaks away from Great Britain. There would be no turning back.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Hessian forces are recruited by the British. Typically, fighted subsided during the winter, but Washington decided to make a surprise attack the day after Christmas and defeated the Hessians