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The Process: City of Helotes Police and Fire Stations

  • CC Approves Location of New Fire Station

  • City Admin. Issues RFQ for Architectural Services

  • CC Begins Negotiations with BRW Architects

  • BRW Contract Pulled From Agenda

  • BRW Contract Pulled From Agenda

  • CC Contracts with BRW for Planning and Programming Only

  • BRW Contract Pulled From Agenda

  • BRW Contract Postposed

  • BRW Contract Pulled From Agenda

  • BRW Contract Approved

  • BRW Contract Reapproved (Flat Fee)

  • CC Allows BRW Contract to Expire; Plans Incomplete

  • CC Issues Design-Build RFQ

  • CC Narrows Respondents to Five Firms

  • Middleman Const. Awarded Contract

  • Middleman Contract Approved

  • Tele- and Data-comm RFP Issued

  • Site and Floor Plans Ratified