womens rights

  • Women and property

    Mississippi grants women the right to hold property in their own name, with their husbands permission.
  • Declaration of Sediments

    Was created by elizabeth Stanton for the womens rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Demanded equality with men before the law in education and employment.
  • Arrested for picketing White House

    Amelia Himes Wlaker was one of 16 women arrested for picketing White House for the womens suffrage caause. They were arrested for obstructing traffic and sentenced to 60 days in a workhouse.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    August 1995 marked 75 year anniversary of the ratification of the 19 th amendment. This gave women the right to vote. It was a lengthy and difficult struggle and took decades of agitation and protest.
  • Birth Control

    Federal government approves birth control pill to be used only by a doctor's prescription.This is a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation to prevent getting pregnant.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    This was a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that declared a pregnant womenis entitled to have an abortion until the end of the first trimester.
  • Taylor Vs. Louisiana

    Denies states the right to exclude women from juries.
  • Pregnancy discrimination act

    To prohibit sex discrimination on th basis of pregnancy. They must treat women the same as any other temporarily disabled employee. Employee must hold their job until released from maternity leave.
  • womens draft

    U.S. Supreme Court rules that excluding women from the draft is constitutional.
  • Violence against women act

    Called for prosecution of the violent crime perpetrated against women. Draafted by U.S. senator Joseph R. Biden office with support from several advocacy organizations.