chuck close

  • World War 2 starts

  • Great Depression ends

  • Birth

  • Chuck sees an exhibit of modern art wich helps inspire him

  • World War 2 ends

  • Korean War starts

  • Father died

    couldnt finde exact month when his father dies but it was when he was 11
  • Vietnam War starts

  • Korean War ends

  • Recieved a Bachelor in Arts at the University Washington

  • Attended Yale where he received an M.F.A

  • He won a Fulbright scholarship to study in Vienna

  • Close's first on man show in the New York Musuem Of Modern Art

  • Vietnam War ends

  • Close works with Kathan Brown of Crown Point Press in Oakland

  • Chuck works for several months in his studio creating the plate for Self-Portrait,

  • Begins fingerprint drawings by inking his finger and making impressions on the gridded surface of the paper

  • Begins fingerprinting in color

  • Close creates his first Japanese-style woodblock print

  • A spinel bloodclot left chuck almost completely paralysed

  • Recieves Academy-Institute Award in Art from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters

  • Receives 1997 RISD Honorary Doctorate form the Rhode Island School of Design

  • Museum of Modern Art in New York City mounted a major retrospective of Close's portraits

  • Great Depression start 1930