The Sectional Crisis

  • David Wilmot introduces Proviso banning slavery in the MExican cession

  • Period: to

    The Sectional Crisis

  • Free-Soil party is founded

  • ZT (whig) elected president, defeating Lewis Cass (democrat) and MartinVan Buren (free-soil)

  • California seeks admission to the Union as a free state

  • Congress debates sectional issues and enacts Compromise of 1850

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Franklin Pierce (democrat) elected president by a large majority over Winfield Scott (whig)

  • Congress passes Kansas_Nebraska act, repealing Missouri Compromise

  • Republican party founded in several northern states

  • Anti-Nebraska coalitions score victories in congressional elections in the North

  • Know-Nothing party achieves stunning successes in state politics

  • Free-state and slave-state forces struggle for control of Kansas territory

  • Preston Brooks assaults Charles Sumner on senate floor

  • James Buchanan wins presidency despite strong challenge in the North from John C. Fremont

  • Supreme Court decides Dred Scott case and legalizes slavery in all territories

  • Congress refuses to admit the proslavery Lecompton constitiution

  • Lincoln and Douglas debate slavery issus in Illinois

  • John Brown raids Harpers Ferry, is captured and executed

  • Fierce struggle takes place over election of a republican as Speaker of the house

  • Republicans nominate Abe Lincoln for presidency

  • Democratic party splits into northern and southern factions with separate candidates and platform

  • Lincoln wins the presidency over Douglas, Breckninridge and Bell