history of oceangraphy michael horton 6th

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    first determined
    the world’s circumference by using
    observations obtained while looking down a
    well on the summer solstice, when the sun is
    directly over head at the Tropic of Cancer.
    He noticed that the well was totally
    illuminated at noon and made several
    mathematical assumptions and calculations
    based on distances of two cities, angles, and
    circumference of a circle.
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    sailed northward from Greece
    to Iceland in 325 BC and worked out a
    method for determining latitudes and
    using astronomical measurements
    proposed that tides were a product of
    lunar influences.
  • Jan 7, 1400

    Prince Henry “TheNavigator”

    Prince Henry “TheNavigator”
    established a marine observatory to
    improve the Portuguese sailing endeavors and
    conquered one of the greatest trades
    problems-getting around the tip of Africa
     The Cape of Good Hope was finally rounded by
    Bartholomeu Diaz in 1486
     Explored canary isles, African coast (Columbus
  • Jan 7, 1513


    the Spanish
    captain, Ferdinand
    Magellan, circumnavigated
    the globe through a passage
    way at 52° S latitude now
    called the Straights of
  • Voyage of “Beagle”

    Voyage of “Beagle”
     English Naturalist, Charles
    Darwin, investigated the whole
    of nature leading him to make
    one of the most outstanding
    contributions to biology while
    on his voyage aboard the
    H.M.S Beagle.December 27, 1831 – Under
    Captain Robert Fitzroy a 5
    year trip surveyed the coast
    line resulted in
  • bc. herodontuns map

    bc. herodontuns map
    constructed a map of the Mediterranean Sea in 490 BC.
  • Eric the Red

    Eric the Red
    During a period of Climatic warming - similar to
    today’s “Global Warming” - the Vikings of Scandinavia
    conquered Iceland. 982 A.D. Eric the Red sailed westward from
    Greenland and discovered Baffin Island.