Pre Historic Man
Man and civilization were just begining. Canoes were introduced to assist hunting and fishing. -
Jan 7, 1513
In 1513 the Spanish
captain, Ferdinand
Magellan, circumnavigated
the globe through a passage
way at 52° S latitude now
called the Straights of
Magellan. -
Early exploration
People were becoming curious which lead to exploration of the world. Ships were now being used to travel around the sea. James cook was one of the first recorded succesful voyages. -
Benjamin Franklin
Determined that it took mail
ships coming from Europe.
Discovering Surface currents
and therefore in 1777 published
the first map of the Gulf
Suggested use of thermometers
to locate warm waters of G.S.
– Eastbound stay in G.S.
– Westbound avoid G.S. -
Charles Darwin
English Naturalist, Charles
Darwin, investigated the whole
of nature leading him to make
one of the most outstanding
contributions to biology while
on his voyage aboard the
H.M.S Beagle. -
1807 - The United States Coast Survey is founded following President Thomas Jefferson's authorization of a survey of the coast. -
1840 - January 3, 1843, Sir James Clark Ross takes the first modern sounding in the deep sea at Latitude 27 S Longitude 17 W. -
Darwin publishes The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, in which he suggests that coral atolls are the final stage in the subsidence and erosion of volcanic islands. -
edward forbes
1843 - Edward Forbes declares that life cannot exist below 300 fathoms in the deep sea, thus starting a 20-year debate on the presence of the lifeless (azoic) zone. -
1845 - Alexander Dallas Bache, second superintendent of the Survey of the Coast, issues instructions for systematic surveys of the Gulf -
1855 - Matthew Fontaine Maury publishes The Physical Geography of the Sea. Although incorrect in much of the science, Maury's flowing prose leads to popular interest in the oceans and the science of the sea. -
uss tuscarosa
The USS Tuscarora, under Commander George Belknap, uses a Thomson sounding machine on a telegraph cable to survey across the Pacific Ocean between Cape Flattery, Washington, and Japan. Belknap discovers the Juan de Fuca Ridge, indications of seamounts, and indications of the Aleutian Trench and Japan Trench.