Eratosthenes 276-192 BC first determinedthe world’s circumference
noticed that the well was totally
illuminated at noon and made several
mathematical assumptions and calculations
based on distances of two cities, angles, and
circumference of a circle. -
Pytheas worked out amethod for determining latitudes
Responsible for contributions to early
navigation methods that we still use today. -
Jan 5, 1430
Prince Henry the navigator exploring experations
Recognized the oceans’ importance to trade and commerce and established a center of learning for the marine sciences. -
Benjamin Fraklin maps the golf stream
It helped trade and shipping from America to Europe. -
Matthew Maury studied navigation, meteorology, and wind currents
He published the Wind and Current Chart of the North Atlantic, which showed sailors how to use the ocean's currents and winds to that reduced the length of ocean voyages -
Challenger Expedition
The Challenger began its voyage by crossing the Atlantic four times, discovering the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the process. It then visited Africa, and Antatica. -
SONAR to navigate and communicate at sea
Was really important during WWII to find other ships at sea