History of Oceanograghy Megan McDermott 5th Period

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    B.C. Ptolemy introduces latitude and longitude to the world map

    B.C. Ptolemy introduces latitude and longitude to the world map
    He was the first to place a grid system on a map and use the same grid system for the entire planet
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    B.C Erathenes Navigation

    B.C Erathenes Navigation
    Determined the circumference of the world
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    B.C. Pytheas discovered an ocean.

    B.C. Pytheas discovered an ocean.
    Discovered the Arctic Ocean.
  • Jan 6, 1440

    Prince Henry The Navigator established a sailor school

    Prince Henry The Navigator established a sailor school
    Prince Henry established a school for the study of the arts of navigation, mapmaking, and shipbuilding.
  • Jan 5, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan Sailed around the world

    Ferdinand Magellan Sailed around the world
    Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean and the first to cross the Pacific Ocean.
  • James Cook found islands

    James Cook found islands
    Helped find many known islands, such as Hawaii,the Cook Islands,and many more.
  • Benjamin Franklin; Ocean Currents

    Benjamin Franklin; Ocean Currents
    Discovered ocean currents.
  • Matthew Fontaine Maury published the first book on oceanography.

    Matthew Fontaine Maury published the first book on oceanography.
    Physical Geography of the Sea 1855, the first extensive and comprehensive book on oceanography to be published.
  • Challenger Expedition

    Challenger Expedition
    This expedition produced the first global cross-section of the ocean's depth profile and identified over 4,700 ocean-dwelling animal species never before known.
  • Bathysphere

    A spherical deep-diving chamber where people can study the oceans and deep-sea life.
  • SONAR; Mapping the Ocean Floor with Echo Sounding

    SONAR; Mapping the Ocean Floor with Echo Sounding
    Echo sounding is the key method scientists use to map the seafloor today
  • B.C. Pheonicians; circumnagivated Africa.

    B.C. Pheonicians; circumnagivated Africa.
    Phoenicians circumnavigated
    Africa and sailed the North Atlantic as far
    as European Coast and British Isle.
  • A.D. Eric The Red Discovered Baffin Island.

    A.D. Eric The Red Discovered Baffin Island.
    Eric the Red sailed westward from
    Greenland and discovered Baffin Island.
  • A.D. Eric’s son, Leif Ericson discovered Vineland

    A.D. Eric’s son, Leif Ericson discovered  Vineland
    Discovered what was
    then called Vineland and spent the winter in an area
    of North America we call Newfoundland.
  • B.C. Herodontus

    B.C. Herodontus
    constructed a map of the
    Mediterranean Sea.