History of Oceanography Allison Cook 5th period

  • 276

    Eratosphenes in 276-192 BC

    First to determain the World's circumference
  • 325

    Pytheas (325 BC)

    Pytheas (325 BC)
    Worked out a method for determining latitudes and using astronomical measurements proposed that tides were a product of
    lunar influences.
  • Jan 5, 1400

    Prince Henry "The Navigator"

    Early to mid 1400’s Prince Henry “The Navigator” established a marine observatory to improve the Portuguese sailing endeavors and conquered one of the greatest trades problems-getting around the tip of Africa
  • Jan 5, 1513

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    First circumnavigation
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    discovered Hawaiian group in 1778 and determined the outline of the worlds largest ocean and the first person known to cross the Atlantic circle.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Discovered Surface currents and in 1777 published the first map of the Gulf Stream.
  • Matthew Maury

    Matthew Maury
    established uniform methods of making nautical and meteorological observations at sea.
  • Challenger Expedition

    Challenger Expedition
    The Challenger Expedition was the first large-scale voyage with the purpose of increasing knowledge of the distribution of life in the ocean and of the chemical and physical properties of the ocean.
  • Bathysphere (vessel)

    Bathysphere (vessel)
    a spherical deep-sea submersible which is unpowered and is lowered into the ocean on a cable.

    a technique that uses sound propagation to navigate, communicate with or detect other vessels.
  • Phoenicians (2000 BC)

    Phoenicians (2000 BC)
    They discovered the Canary Islands and established trade with Eastern Asia.
  • Polynesians (2000 BC-500 AD)

    Polynesians (2000 BC-500 AD)
    Navigated by watching wave patterns; made maps made of shells and sticks
  • Eric the Red (982 BC)

    Eric the Red (982 BC)
    Descovered Baffin Island
  • Herodotus (490 BC)

    Herodotus (490 BC)
    constructed a map of the Mediterranean Sea
  • Ptolemy (127 BC)

    Ptolemy (127 BC)
    Created a system call thePtolemaic System which predicted the positions of the plants accurately enough for naked-eye observations.