Steam Engine
Invtented by Thomas Savery and was later perfected in the future. -
French Revolution
Was the French stand against Monarchy. The french stormed the bastille taking weapons to fight there revolution that lead to the beheading of there king and queen louis and marie antoinnete -
Haitian Revolution
The revolution was the slaves revolting trying to become free. Haiti won and became the first free slave Country. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress was formed to try and rebulid Europe after Napoleon was defeated gathering Europes leaders to the congress. -
Independance of Mexico
Mexico won its final victory toward there independance and signed the treaty of of cordoba. -
Opium War
The opium war was the British who wanted China but diddnt hae the man power to invade decided to sell opium to China drugging them making them addicted and the Brithish were rolling in the cash. -
Communist Manifesto
The Book was made by the father of Comunnism Karl Marx going as one of the most influential books in history inspiring people to want to be a communist Country. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matt Perry was one of the first outsiders to land on the Japan shores forcing the Japanese to trade with them or they would give them some trouble. -
Sepoy mutiny
The Sepoys were Indians trained by British soilders. They heard a rumor that their gun cartridges were made with lard snd started to revolt. -
Unification of Germany
Germany finaly became a Country after being divided. -
Berlin Conference
Representitives from many European countries including Norway, Britain, France, Austria, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Russsia. They met to decidde the colinization of Africa trying to split it up between the countries. -
Zulu uprising
Annexed by Britain and was made the zulu pay a tax. Zulu fought back erradicating the British out, -
Dr.Sun Yat-Sen takes over China
Sun Yat-Sen tried to chane the government in China trying to change it to a more democratic feel. Dr ended up completing it but his succeser was not the best. -
Russo-Japanese war
Japanese wars to claim all of japan and get rid of the war lords.